College of Agriculture

College programs for academic degrees

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences in one of the following programs

Minor specialization (Orchards and Crops) Plant Production

Minor specialization (Animal Production – Poultry Production – Fish Production) Animal Production

Minor specialization (Food Industries – Dairy Technology) Food Science

Minor specialization (Insects – Pesticides – Plant Diseases) Plant Protection


Minor specialization (Agricultural Economics – Rural Development) Agricultural Economic and Social Sciences

Lands and Water

2. Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Program

3 – Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences in the following programs:

Organic Agriculture

Quality Management

Agricultural Biotechnology

College programs for master’s degrees


College programs for doctorate degrees

In one of the following specializations

1-Agricultural Engineering

2-Land Department

3-Agricultural Economics

4-Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension

5-Animal Production

6-Poultry Production

7-Plant Diseases


9-Food Sciences



12-Agricultural Microbiology

13-Agricultural Botany

14-Plant Protection
